Tools & Guides

State School Facilities Capacity Building Tool

Use this tool to assess your SEA or State Building Authority’s capacity in school facilities and to plan to increase school facilities capacity within your SEA or State Building Authority. The main categories this tool assess includes: Governance and Decision-Making, Data and Information Systems, Facilities Assessments and Accountability System, Facilities Planning, Facilities Funding, Technical Assistance & Training.

PK-12 Public Educational Facilities Master Plan Guide 2023

Proper planning of school facilities is critical for all school districts no matter how large or small, whether major construction is in the works or the district is managing enrollment change. When school districts properly plan for their school facilities, they have better schools, more equitable facilities, and higher value for public spending. Use this guide to help determine whether each element of your district's master plan is following the standard. 

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Opportunity Zones Should Help Modernize Public School Facilities

One of the provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 was the creation of “Opportunity Zones” (OZs). Opportunity Zones are structured to provide capital gains relief to investors who invest gains from prior investments into a Qualified Opportunity Fund, which uses the invested cash to invest in a Qualified Opportunity Zone Business. (See sections 1400Z-1 and 1400Z-2 of the Internal Revenue Code). Read More on how opportunity zones could benefit school facilities.

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Definitions of Key Facilities Data Elements (2015)

State facilities directors worked together to define key facilities data elements the purposes of classifying expenditures and preparing budgets. Standardized data definitions across districts are essential for state reporting, and standard definitions across states is essential for national analysis and report of facilities-related activities. Download